What Will Define Your New Normal? We Share Ours.

Over the last few months since the pandemic took off, our lives have changed. While we may be anxious to return to normal and wonder what our “new” normal may be, we are also taking time to consider which parts of our “old” normal we want to return back to. With all the time we have spent hunkered down it has given us time to reflect on the meaning of home, our values and perspectives. The past few months many of us have been given a chance to reignite passions and experience revelations. Personally I have found the time to love reading again. I didn’t realize how much I missed reading; it allows the reader to get lost in the pages and rediscover new ways of thinking. I have now made it a point to read every night before bed and find it so relaxing. Change during this pandemic of course is inevitable but I think we need to ask ourselves how about growth? Will I explore new ways to grow as an individual? It is entirely optional. We have explored the numerous ways in which were shaping our “new” normal and redefining what our life looks like. 

We have turned to nature to find a sense of peace and comfort. Everyday we take a family walk or hike at a nearby trail. The time in nature allows our family to “just be.” I never realized how important it was for all of us to, “just be.” To enjoy the fresh air on our faces, the sounds of the birds chirping, the rustle of the breeze through the leaves, the smell of sweet new blooming flowers, we appreciate it all so much more. In our post-pandemic world, we anticipate our daily life to be occupied with the healing power of nature. Whether it is taking a weekend trip to the Jersey Shore, hiking one of our nearby trails or booking a trip to explore the countryside of France. Moving forward, we see ourselves never taking for granted wide open spaces. 

We realize the importance of supporting small local businesses more than ever! One of the many devastating effects of this global pandemic has been the drastic deposition of our local businesses. Our favorite restaurants, farmer markets, coffeehouses, gyms and hair salons have been forced to either close or make huge modifications to how they run business. And while it is easy to shop on Amazon, so is jumping in your car or taking a walk into town to spread the wealth. From here on out, we will be doing our very best to purchase anything we need from our beloved small business owners, our neighbors. 

We have been forced to become more aware of our footprint on the planet. Since the pandemic started and major cities implemented lockdown measures, we have seen an unprecedented decrease in air pollution across the world. By consuming less and not having to drive, we are seeing the tangible difference in society. You can see snow-crested mountains for the first time in a long time, the smog has lifted and our planet has been given a second chance to breathe. The pandemic has taught us that living simply is the only way to live. As lockdowns are lifted, we are going to strive to see Mother Earth flourish like never before. Can we count on you? 

As we all have been spending so much time at home, has it got you thinking how you’ll reshape your living and working environment moving forward? This pandemic is without a doubt redefining the notion of what home means and whether or not we need a physical office in an actual office building. We are redesigning our living environments to meet our daily routines of homeschooling, virtual work meetings, working out and so much more. Some of my favorite days during this pandemic have been seeing our entire family sprawled out on the dining room table; my one son working on his latest social studies assignment, my other son practicing his ABC’s and coloring, my husband writing his next film script, the baby playing nearby with her dolls and I am working on the latest market update. We are together and healthy, what more could we ask for. We anticipate in our post pandemic world a new way people both live and work around the world. 

We ask you, what will your post pandemic world look like? Have you learned valuable lessons, discovered new passions? We would love to hear what you will takeaway from the last few months. 

Anna Price

As the Director of Operations and Co-Leader of The Price Group, she has worked alongside her Mom Natalya Price since the very beginning. Anna is a woman of character and purpose, that is very apparent in her actions. She has a high-profile background in digital marketing and has trained over 500 real estate agents on how to best market and build their businesses. She believes success is an art form. Anna’s tenacity, perseverance and passion for real estate has made her highly respected among real estate professionals and adored by her clients. She is known for her gentle yet firm, assertive but not aggressive, and unyielding tenacious advocate for the relentless pursuit of her client’s real estate goals. Anna treasures working with clients from a variety of backgrounds and helping them achieve their real estate objectives. She truly appreciates the hard work that it takes to build a life of value and achievement, always seeking excellence. When Anna is not out in the field, you can catch her coming up with a new recipe, blogging on The Price Opinion, planning her next big trip around the world, staying current with the latest technology and striving to find the perfect cup of coffee. Anna resides in Summit with her loving family.


May 2020 Market Update


Transitioning To A New Home - Part 1