Renters Missed Out on $51,500 This Past Year

Rents have increased significantly this year. The latest National Rent Report from shows rents are rising at a rate much higher than the three years leading up to the pandemic:

“Since January of this year, the national median rent has increased by a staggering 16.4 percent. To put that in context, rent growth from January to September averaged just 3.4 percent in the pre-pandemic years from 2017-2019.”

Looking back, we can see rents rising isn’t new. The median rental price has increased consistently over the past 33 years (see graph below):

If you’re thinking of renting for another year, consider that rents will likely be even higher next year. But that alone doesn’t paint the picture of the true cost of renting.

The Money Renters Stand To Lose This Year

A homeowner’s monthly mortgage payment pays for their shelter, but it also acts as an investment. That investment grows in the form of equity as a homeowner makes their mortgage payment each month to pay down what they owe on their home loan. Their equity gets an additional boost from home price appreciation, which is at near-record levels this year.

The latest Homeowner Equity Insights report from CoreLogic found homeowners gained significant wealth through their home equity this past year. The research shows:

“. . . the average homeowner gained approximately $51,500 in equity during the past year.”

As a renter, you don’t get the same benefit. Your rent payment only covers the cost of shelter and any included amenities. None of your monthly rent payments come back to you as an investment. That means, by renting this year, you likely paid more in rent than you did in the previous year, and you also missed out on the potential wealth gain of $51,500 you could have had by owning your own home.

Bottom Line 

When deciding whether you should rent or buy in the future, keep in mind how much renting can cost you. Another year of renting is another year you’ll pay rising rents and miss out on building your wealth through home equity. Connect with a trusted real estate advisor today to talk more about the benefits of buying over renting.

Anna Price

As the Director of Operations and Co-Leader of The Price Group, she has worked alongside her Mom Natalya Price since the very beginning. Anna is a woman of character and purpose, that is very apparent in her actions. She has a high-profile background in digital marketing and has trained over 500 real estate agents on how to best market and build their businesses. She believes success is an art form. Anna’s tenacity, perseverance and passion for real estate has made her highly respected among real estate professionals and adored by her clients. She is known for her gentle yet firm, assertive but not aggressive, and unyielding tenacious advocate for the relentless pursuit of her client’s real estate goals. Anna treasures working with clients from a variety of backgrounds and helping them achieve their real estate objectives. She truly appreciates the hard work that it takes to build a life of value and achievement, always seeking excellence. When Anna is not out in the field, you can catch her coming up with a new recipe, blogging on The Price Opinion, planning her next big trip around the world, staying current with the latest technology and striving to find the perfect cup of coffee. Anna resides in Summit with her loving family.

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